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Psychometric Assessments can be used either to complement a leadership development process or in recruitment and selection. They provide a valid and reliable framework for an individual to understand their personality preferences and the behaviours that typically flow from this.

In our experience, when an individual starts to have a more accurate understanding of their own personality, behaviour and likely competency profile, it opens them up to a number of benefits.
Benefits to assessing:
Actively participating in personal development opportunities
Receiving feedback from colleagues more positively
Being increasingly aware of and respecting the diverse perspectives and skills of their colleagues
Fully exploiting the benefits of their strengths

The above changes usually lead to significant benefits in the areas of people management, team working, employee engagement and interpersonal relationships; all of which are key drivers of organisational success.

Some of the more sophisticated tools are able to provide a measure against management and leadership competencies. We are able to administer, score, interpret and feedback the results of these assessments.
We administer a wide range of approved personality assessments. Our current clients regularly use the following:​

SHL OPQ32: Targets competencies and provides information on 32 personality characteristics. These are grouped into 3 areas: Relationship with people, thinking styles, feelings and emotions.
Saville Wave: Identifies 36 personality dimensions, including unfulfilled motives and talents.
Belbin Team Roles: Identifies prospective team roles based on natural behavioural tendencies, while allowing for both self-reporting and other’s observations.
Hogan Personality Inventory: Describes social interaction and ability to get along with others to achieve occupational goals.​
MBTI: Describes personality preferences regarding how individuals’ are energised, gather information, make decisions and organise their lifestyle.
16PF: Measures 16 personality factors, including: warmth, reasoning, emotional stability, dominance, openness to change, and self-reliance.
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